Wednesday, August 19, 2009

digital storytelling-on twitter

Dear digitalstorytelling 09 participants,

As digital storytelling 09 moderators, we hope you are experimenting with digital stories and the related software for creating them. If you are a twitter user, you can also follow some people who are really good at finding and sharing storytelling links. Storytellin is one of them and if you need to expand your knowledge about digitalstorytelling you can follow it and keep yourself up to date.

In order to follow Storytellin, you need to sign into twitter using your username and password and visit . If you do now have a twitter account, you can get one by visiting

If you discover links related to digitalstorytelling, please do not hesitate to share them with us.



1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,

    @storytellin is indeed providing great links for us interested in digital storytelling. I also follow @awsomestories @digitalst @makingstories and @astoriedcareer for more excellent resources.

    Let's stay in touch and share our digital stories!

    Mona (@julianna07)
